Monday, November 14, 2011

Experiencing the Father's Embrace

Today I sit and think back on the roller coaster that was this past week and trying to decide what is worthy to share with you wonderful people.

I moved from Justin and Tara's house (from Baby Moore's room) into a few friends' home~ It truly does feel like a home. Michelle, Erin, Kerstin & Lisa are such a blessing and have become like sisters.
Today we are celebrating Lisa's life and this new season.
In each our own way this is a new season for all of us. The changing leaves reflect the changes in our hearts. I know this is especially true in my life. Not only in this time of transition from moving to CA or even moving ten minutes away- but there is so much that I am learning, that is transforming me, and there is 'new' every where I look.
I have found myself overwhelmed or stressed about not having a source of income yet and because of that not being able to find a place to call home, there was a major homework dead-line that has come and gone and my list could could continue but there is no reason to dwell on it all.
God is showing me a little more each day that He is provider. During worship at school, on Tuesday, I was singing and just started laughing as I pictured myself skipping down a path humming that playground tune 'a tisket, a tasket- I've got a yellow basket.' but in service I was singing "My Daddy's got me. He'll never let me go. Oh, isn't it lovely, when He proves He loves me so."  It almost came about in a taunting tone- either to my own doubts or to the father of lies, himself. It was in that simple(silly) moment that God was teaching me who He is and what He wants to do for me.  That He is a good daddy and wants to provide well and give good gifts for His little girl. So, I am believing that everything will come about in perfect timing, but for now I wait and rest in my Daddy's arms.

That has been something new for me this season of life, as well. I am learning to experience God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and not just have head knowledge or a feeling of knowing but to trully experience Him and His ever-lasting love. He has revealed this to me in multiple different ways, such as: hugs, moments of uncontrollable laughter, soft-spoken words, peaceful walks in the park, art, worship and songs, etc. I believe there can never be anything more impactful than experiencing who He is and His deep embrace. There is something about His character (or everything about Him) that cries embrace.
em·braceverb (used with object)1. to take or clasp in the arms; press to the bosom; hug.
2. to take or receive gladly or eagerly; accept willingly
3. to avail oneself of
4. to adopt
5. to take in with the eye or the mind.
6. to encircle; surround; enclose.
7. to include or containThis has been so helpful for me to press on in this time, by having personally encountered His eager acceptance of me, intimate with His surrounding presence and to be held close, as if to say "I wouldn't leave you for anything". Just to be in that place of peace and listen to His heart.
I forget to listen for His heart-beat when the world seems chaotic or the situation is too loud.
I get caught up in worrying instead of remembering that I am wrapped in His arms.

I have, also, been trying to learn more about who I am through Christ and how He sees me, through different conversations, others' prayers and my own. One day a friend from OKC prayed for me and told me He kept seeing me as Eowyn from Lord of the Rings. If you're not familiar the main account he was speaking of is from this section in the book: During the battle of the Pelennor Fields, she confronted the Witch-king of Angmar, Lord of the Nazgûl, after Théoden was injured. The Witch-king threatened to "bear [her] away to the houses of lamentation, beyond all darkness, where [her] flesh shall be devoured, and [her] shriveled mind be left naked to the Lidless Eye." The Witch-king further boasted that "no living man may hinder me," referring to the 1,000-year-old prophecy by the Elf-lord Glorfindel, foretelling that the Witch-king would not fall "by the hand of man". Éowyn then removed her helmet and declared:

"But no living man am I! You look upon a woman. Éowyn I am, Éomund’s daughter. You stand between me and my lord and kin. Begone, if you be not deathless! For living or dark undead, I will smite you, if you touch him."
The Witch-king attacked Éowyn with his steed, but she slew it with her sword. He then shattered her shield and broke her shield-arm with his mace, but was distracted by Merry, who stabbed him behind the knee with a sword enchanted with spells against him. Éowyn seized the opportunity to strike the Witch-king with a killing blow "between crown and mantle". As her sword shattered, his clothing fell to the ground and he vanished with a wailing cry.

I took it all in, and later went to God asking what He had in mind with this image of me...
This idea goes along with previous words people have shared that I will live from victory, but it also reveals more about the power that resides with in me. I will defeat what is invincible to those around me. I am vital for conquest. Raised as a daughter of the king. There is a lot more behind this than I can know now...
but it seemed like conirmation for something that had happened one night at worship.

I had knealt down with my face to the floor just praying and crying out to God. Laying everything at His feet telling Him that I couldnt handle it on my own and that I didn't want to deal with it at all- Poppa God just take it. I felt like I was in the inner courts and a marble floor as far as I could see. all of a sudden I felt like He came and placed His hand against my shoulder and set me up. I stayed on my knees with my eyes held shut and continued to pray that He would take it all away. He insisted "open your eyes" I cringed and tightened them telling Him 'no, I'm scared'  ... He whipserd gently "just open them". I slowly looked and saw my empty hands and felt like He had placed a sword in them. There was a simple weight to it... I knelt and He "knighted" me and placed the sword back into my hands and I let out what sounded like a battle-cry. I stood and my hand instantly grasped the 'sword' and my arm raised as I imagined a sheild. I told Him that I would fight, and that I knew this would be a time of victory but that I just don't know what that looks like... but that I will fight.  All of a sudden, I had the feeling of what the prince from Sleeping Beauty must have felt when he was faced with all the vines and thorns in order to rescue Aurora.
I told Him that I would fight... but I didn't want to fight alone.
He sent someone to stand with me and pray with me.

Our God is so good and has such great victories and freedoms in store.

Even now I am in a different place than when I had first begun to write this blogpost a couple days ago but I figured I would still post it to let you know the new movements in my life.
So, I'm already behind but this was a good outlet for me and so that I won't forget some of it. Ha!
So, for the time being, I am still committed to taking it just one day at a time.

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